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On 2nd October 2024 comrades from Extinction Rebellion in New York City prepared  to do a stand out at Citibank headquarters in solidarity with the Ugandans and Tanzanians who are to face the first hand effects of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) that is going to start from Butiaba around L. Albert in Western Uganda and end Tanga, Tanzania

Citibank is one of the adamant banks that have completely failed to back off the funding this deadly pipeline despite the various calls from different activists and stake holders. 

Citibank is in the process of selling bonds to finance Total Energies to build this pipeline, a move we are against, together with other activists. Citibank has scheduled the sale of this bonds on 4th October 2024.

Together with other allies, our comrades are determined to expose Citibank for it’s participation in the destruction of the planet. This is part of the #STOPEACOP campaign that has been ongoing all over the world mainly in Uganda and Tanzania. The solidarity from across the world is very commendable and has achieved the campaign tremendous results.